30 Simple Tips for a Healthier, Happier Life

Can you believe we are already a month into 2020?! I’ve been reflecting a lot on a new decade with new goals, and it got me thinking – what can we do to make our lives just a little healthier, and a little happier? I came up with some tried and true tips listed below. I will say I am definitely not even close to perfect and while I try my best to fit in a lot of these into my life, they are not all easy to do! It takes constant focus and attention to my well being to keep at the self improvement game. My humble advice would be to pick a handful that seem doable to you, and just give them a try. If they help, keep ‘em, if they don’t, leave ‘em behind! 

Exercise Regularly – Doctors say just 20-30 mins of movement a day can add years to your lifespan!

Drink Green Smoothies – Another way to get your servings of fruits & veggies in!

Read Books – Fiction or nonfiction, whatever makes you happiest! 

Meditate – This one is a challenging one for sure. If you can’t jump on board with serious meditation just yet, try closing your eyes for just a moment and taking a deep breath

Journal – This can be really helpful for me to “brain dump” everything on my mind 

Take Bubble Baths – For some good “me” time, not to mention, it has some great benefits for relaxing your muscles! 

Make Plans with Friends Frequently – Socializing and taking time to decompress from work and other stresses in life is so helpful! 

Go for Walks – Not only can this count of exercise, but it’s also great to clear your mind.

Hang Out With Your Pets – This has been scientifically proven to make you happier! 

Have Routines – Get into a morning and evening routine! It can help with getting better sleep and overall a better state of mind 

Drink Lots of Water – 6-8 glasses a day, minimum! 

Actually Eat Your Veggies – As a full ass adult, I know it’s difficult to actually eat 4-5 servings of vegetables every day but it is actually really important to your health! 

Get Enough Sleep – From what I’ve read, 7-8 hours is the recommended amount of sleep for adults, and I find if I get any less than 7 I don’t function the same and am not as productive.

Declutter & Organize – Knowing where the things you need are, and not keeping a bunch of junk around can help to simplify your life! 

Keep Your Space Clean – A clear and clean space = a clear and clean mind 

Keep a Calendar – I am a meticulous calendar keeper and I couldn’t imagine my life without one! How do you remember anything?!

Get Some Sun! – But make sure to wear sunscreen

Learn to Say No – To plans, to family, to friends, and to work. If you need YOU time, you have to take it! No one will give it to you.

Find a Hobby You Love – Helps you decompress from life and get sucked in to something you love! 

Get Regular Massages – This is one I desperately need more of in my life! There are some great benefits according to research though! 

Take Off Your Make-Up Every Night – Even if it’s just a make up wipe, get your face clean before your head hits the pillow 

Go To the Doctor Regularly – This includes not only your primary care for an annual check up, but your dentist, dermatologist, and ophthalmologist too! 

Take Your Time to Eat – Eat slowly and eat intentionally for at least one meal a day. It can help de-stress to focus on your meal, and plus eating slower can help digestion

Cut Out Soda – If you are a soda addict like I 0nce was, this one will be hard, but it is so worth the health benefits 

Write Down your GoalsMy whole blog post on goal planning is here! 

Stretch Your Body – If you have the time, go to a yoga class! If not, just doing a few stretches in the morning or right before bed and can help too!

Start Saving Money – If you aren’t already, start saving! Even if it’s just a little bit each month – do what you can afford but don’t forget to save. 

Don’t Procrastinate – Just do it now! It saves a lot of time and stress in the long run if you can do the task as soon as possible.

Complain Less – It helps to keep your head in a more positive mindframe if you give up the complaints and try to focus on the positives as much as possible. 

Quit Gossiping – Goes along with being positive, but no one likes a gossip queen, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all!